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 Subject : Searching for Student Participants: LGBQ College Students Experiences .. 03/01/2021 12:46:55 PM 
Samantha Aguilar
Posts: 2
Subject :Searching for Student Participants: LGBQ College Students Experiences and Use of Campus Resources

Hello all,

I am looking for college students to participate in this survey for my dissertation. Please see description below imbedded in the message to participants. Note that there is an option to participate in a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card. Feel free to email me or my dissertation chair with any questions!

Feel free to send the link with the following message:

Are you a full-time college student who identifies as LGBQ or another sexual minority? If so, please participate in the short anonymous survey with the link below. The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete. Please see this link:

This survey will ask question surrounding your personal experience on your college campus. The questions will address things such as, your age, year in school, sexual orientation, you experience of microaggressions, campus climate, and your use of on campus LGBTQ resources. The survey will not ask for your name or any identifying information.

Questions or Comments? Please contact me or my faculty advisor, Dr. Adam Fried.
[email protected] |[email protected]

If you have any questions about your rights in research, you can contact the Midwestern University Office of Research (IRB #1419) and Sponsored Programs: 623-572-3728 | [email protected]
Last Edited On: 03/01/2021 12:48:40 PM By Samantha Aguilar
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