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 Subject : Research Posting: Same-sex parents with kids in schools.. 04/14/2022 03:21:51 PM 
Demere Woolway
Posts: 5
We would like to share an opportunity to participate in research. The study aims to explore the lived experiences of same-sex parents with regard to inclusivity and community at their child’s school. This study has obtained IRB approval from Virginia Commonwealth University located in Richmond, Virginia. The study is seeking participants with the following characteristics: Individuals who are:
● 18 years of age or older
● In a same-sex marriage or a committed same-sex relationship
● Co-parenting/raising a child (or children) in K-3 public school settings
● Currently living in the U.S.
● Being able to complete the interview in English
Your voice will be valuable to provide a deeper understanding of the experience of same-sex parents at their child’s school. The findings may also offer insight to school counselors and other stakeholders at school to create a more inclusive and equitable school environment for LGBTQ+ families. Mental health counselors and family therapists could also benefit from the findings to provide appropriate care, service, and resources for LGBTQ families with child(ren) in school.
If you decide to participate, you will take part in two recorded interviews, one lasting up to 90 minutes and one 30 minutes. During the interview, you may talk about the following topics: 1) perceptions of inclusiveness for your child’s school climate; 2) experience of interactions with adults in the school building and with other parents, 3) the impact of the interaction on your involvement in your child’s learning and school-based activities; 4) your academic and emotional support to your child’s school life. All identifiable information will be removed after the completion of transcription. Additionally, the recorded interview will be stored in an encrypted database and deleted after transcription. There is no cost to participate in this study. Additionally, the participants will receive $25 incentives in total ($15 upon the completion of 1st interview and $10 upon the completion of 2nd interview).
If you, or someone you know, would like to express interest in participating in or ask questions related to the study, please contact Jiale Man, M.S. at [email protected], Amber Livingston, M.Ed. at [email protected], or Naomi Wheeler, Ph.D. at [email protected]. Thank you.


Jiale Man, M.S., Amber Livingston, M.Ed. and Naomi Wheeler, Ph.D.
Department of Counseling and Special Education
Virginia Commonwealth University
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