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 Subject : Consolidation of LGBTQ+ and Women's Resource Centers.. 07/17/2023 10:29:39 AM 
Tegra Myanna
Posts: 3
Greetings All,

I'm looking into different ways in which LGBTQ+ and Women's Resource Centers exist on campuses together, distinctions between their work, and histories.

I've seen some examples of LGBTQ+ Centers that have started and separated from Women's Resource Centers and examples of Women's Centers that have expanded into a Gender and Sexuality Center or Women's, Gender and Sexuality Center but I don't believe I know of a campus where standalone LGBTQ+ and Women's Resource Centers have consolidated and become a singular office.

Do you know of any examples of this? I'm looking at identifying a model for practice and assistance with identifying the pros and cons of establishing a singular office for taking a holistic approach to gender and sexuality.

In community,

Tegra Myanna (they)
[email protected]
 Subject : Re:Consolidation of LGBTQ+ and Women's Resource Centers.. 07/17/2023 11:59:41 AM 
Hilary Murmers
Posts: 1
Hi there, I'm at University of Michigan-Flint, a small regional campus of mostly commuter students in the UM system. Before my time here, I believe in 2018, the Women's Resource Center and the LGBT Resource Center were merged into what is now the Center for Gender and Sexuality. I'm the LGBTQ+ Coordinator, one of 3 full time staff.
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