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 Subject : Seeking Participants for Study on Gender and Sexuality Center Professi.. 10/15/2019 11:00:26 PM 
Organizational Operations Collective
Posts: 14
Subject :Seeking Participants for Study on Gender and Sexuality Center Professionals and Engagement with Anti


Our names are Antonio Duran, Ph.D. and T.J. Jourian, Ph.D. As a project affiliated with Auburn University, we are writing in hopes that you might be able to assist us in nominating potential participants for a research study. Our study seeks to understand how practitioners within Gender and Sexuality Centers (e.g., LGBTQ Centers, Gender and Sexuality Centers, etc.) perceive their engagement with anti-racist practices. Participants will complete a demographic survey and participate in two one-on-one Zoom interviews, each lasting approximately 60-90 minutes, with the opportunity of also completing a journal project. Participants will also have the ability to engage in member-checking to assure the study’s credibility.

We are hoping that you might nominate professionals that you know who work in a Gender and Sexuality Center as a full- or part-time professional and/or graduate student. Specifically, these individuals should have worked in a center for at least one year. We are seeking a wide range of perspectives. Because we are attempting to seek a diversity of experiences as it relates to social identities, we hope to obtain a diverse sample along the lines of race/ethnicity, sexuality, social class, ability status, and other identities. Please only nominate professionals that you feel confident would be open to discussing matters of anti-racism as it pertains to their work in Gender and Sexuality Centers.

It is our hope that this research influences how spaces designed for minoritized communities support those who hold multiple marginalized identities. This study is of critical importance in our campus climates that are often hostile and unwelcoming to students from underserved backgrounds, especially queer and transgender students of color.

To nominate individuals, please forward them the email listed below this message, as well as the recruitment flyer attached. Participants who are interested will be asked to email us to participate. Selected participants who complete the study will each receive a $20 Amazon gift card. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this research. I truly appreciate your help.


Antonio Duran, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology

[email protected]


T.J. Jourian, Ph.D.

[email protected]
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